Creating a Delivery Tracking App for a Theme Park Snack Shop

The product

I´m creating a delivery tracking app for a theme park snack shop, a new way to involve the user´s and give them new tool to interact into a theme park.  The delivery tracking app will let users to order snacks inside a theme park which will affect users who want to get food or products from the snack shop by a payment process online and without be line or move to the shop.

The problem

The problem is to create an app that can be used by a huge range or users into a theme park to get snacks quickly.

The goal

To get an agile and quick time response to deliver the order where the user is and by the satisfaction perception after the pickup.

My role

I am the UX designer that has been asigned to concept the Theme Park App.

Project duration

August 2021 to September 2021.

User research: summary

I conducted an user reseach to validate the initial assumptions of the user. We´d like to figure out what specific difficulties users find when they interact with the app.  We will measure effectiveness by the agile and quick time response to deliver the order where the user is and by the satisfaction perception after the pickup.

Among the research questions I include: What are the main difficulties users experience when interacting with the application?, Can users finish an order in the application?, Can the user give traceability to his order?, Can the user interact with the different functionalities included in the application?, Can the user carry out the payment process properly?

User research: pain points


The user must have control to the order in all moment from the selection of the product, to the pick-up.

Quick Response

The app must be quick to respond to the needs of the user and deliver the product as soon as possible.


The variety is a particularity to the app, to give the user a wide range of options including snacks and theme park services.


The user must have the possibility to connect with any platform and with public wireless networks.

Persona: Steven

Problem statement

Steven is a university student and an internship in a multinational company who needs be connected and interact with the services or products offered by the theme park because this lets him to interact and to explore in new ways.

Persona: Maya

Problem statement

Maya is a housewife with 3 children and 15 years marriage who needs  tools that let her to get products and services from the theme park at the right time because this will make that the experience in the theme park be more comfortable and enjoyable.

User journey map

The user journey map define how to interact in the theme park getting products and services securely and in an inform way.

Paper wireframes

The exercise of crazy 8´s let create different sketches for the theme park app including a refined version of the initial screens created with this technique.

Digital wireframes

The initial sketches become in a more defined prototype of low-fidelity that include the principal aspects of the earlier ideas.

The screens include the principal features that the app will be, for example including titles, lists, and global buttons.

Low-fidelity prototype

The initial Low-Fidelity prototype include all the principal screens of the design that follow the user Flow from the welcome screens to the selections of products, payment and deliver screens.

Low-Fidelity Prototype

Usability study: findings

I conducted two rounds of usabilty studies. Findings from the first study helped to guide the design through a useful design for the user by wireframes and mockups.  The second study used a high-Fidelity prototype and show how the user can interact better.

Round 1 findings

  • Reveals how the user enter the app and adjust their preferences.
  • Show what are the principal features need in the app.
  • Give the principal navigation preferences of the user.

Round 2 findings

  • Detail how the user make the payment process.
  • Show issues in the navigation and comprehensive options.
  • Give a perspective about accessibility issues into the app.

The principal goal in the design have been improve the use of the app letting the user to access quickly the different food options.

The tracking display is one of the most used functions into the app, because is where the user can expect the reception of the meal, for that reason is important to think in a useful design.


High-fidelity prototype

This is the prototype with the different connections between the screens of the prototype.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Accessibility considerations

One important consideration into the design is the ergonomics. In this case the use of buttons and images to interact the design imply the use of wide buttons that let the user to use the call to action in a easy way.

Another important consideration about accesibility is the use of clear typographies, that let deliver the content in a easy way to all the expected users.

Finally, a third consideration is the color, in this case, being carefull about the use of a palette that can be interpreted by users with visual disabilities.



The delivery snack delivery tracking app for a theme park snack shop is a tool that can impulse theme parks to promote itself including options of meal and snacks but also services and other items that the theme park can offer.  A tool for the marketing promotion.

What I learned

I have learned with the theme park tracking app that the process is user-centered, and the use of different tools increase the insights involving new ways to improve the design to the users.

Next steps

Explore the unemployment of the entire user flow.

Investigate the needs of people with disabilities to include accessibility options within the theme park application.

Conduct more user research to determine any new areas of need into the design.

Thank you for your time reviewing my work on the Creating a Delivery Tracking App for a Theme Park Snack Shop.

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